Chance encounter

With energy density surprised
By force from across the Universe,
In spacetime emergent and stable
Quantum, stepping in search
Of predictive coupling,
Aligning matter with energy,
And no infinities, only
A core-driven endless now.

A poem of science by Helen Gavaghan, 22nd August, 2017.
Published first 23rd August, 2017.

A number of poems by Helen Gavaghan were published first in Science, People & Politics ISSN 1751-598x. Those poems are licenced for a single use within a particular issue of the magazine, and only when they are integral to the particular issue in which they are published. That issue may be published in any format and remain convered by the licence agreement between Helen Gavaghan and Gavaghan Communications which publishes Science, People & Politics. The licence is transferable with the magazine, without need for further agreement with Helen Gavaghan. The license extends to sale of archived issues of the magazine, with no Royalty payments applying for any use within the issue of the magazine for which it is licenced. Helen Gavaghan retains copyright in the poems and the right to otherwise sell, promote, licence and use those poems as she wishes.

